Znamy już laureatów tegorocznego Sundance Film Festival! Podczas uroczystej ceremonii w Park City wręczono nagrody dla najlepszych produkcji wyłonionych przez jury i publiczność. Festiwal, który potrwa do 2 lutego, po raz kolejny dostarczył miłośnikom kina niezależnego wyjątkowych premier, spotkań z twórcami i inspirujących wydarzeń. Widzowie w całych Stanach Zjednoczonych mogą jeszcze obejrzeć nagrodzone filmy online, a wybrane tytuły zostaną zaprezentowane także podczas specjalnych pokazów stacjonarnych.
Nagrody Grand Jury trafiły do Atropia (U.S. Dramatic Competition), Seeds (U.S. Documentary Competition), Sabar Bonda (Cactus Pears) (World Cinema Dramatic Competition) oraz Cutting Through Rocks (اوزاک یوللار) (World Cinema Documentary Competition). Nagrodę NEXT Innovator Award, przyznawaną przez Adobe, otrzymał film Zodiac Killer Project.
Nagrody publiczności dla filmów konkursowych zostały wręczone przez firmę Acura dla Twinless (U.S. Dramatic Competition) i André is an Idiot (U.S. Documentary Competition) oraz przez United Airlines dla DJ Ahmet (World Cinema Dramatic Competition) i Prime Minister (World Cinema Documentary Competition). Nagrodę publiczności w sekcji NEXT, przyznawaną przez Adobe, zdobył film East of Wall.

The U.S. Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic dla Atropia/ U.S.A. (Director and Screenwriter: Hailey Gates, Producers: Naima Abed, Emilie Georges, Luca Guadagnino, Lana Kim, Jett Steiger)
The U.S. Grand Jury Prize: Documentary dla Seeds / U.S.A. (Director and Producer: Brittany Shyne, Producers: Danielle Varga, Sabrina Schmidt Gordon)
The World Cinema Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic dla Sabar Bonda (Cactus Pears) / India, U.K., Canada (Director and Screenwriter: Rohan Parashuram Kanawade, Producers: Neeraj Churi, Mohamed Khaki, Kaushik Ray, Hareesh Reddypalli, Naren Chandavarkar, Sidharth Meer)
The World Cinema Grand Jury Prize: Documentary was presented to Cutting Through Rocks (اوزاک یوللار) / Iran, Germany, U.S.A., Netherlands, Qatar, Chile, Canada (Directors and Producers: Sara Khaki, Mohammadreza Eyni)
Zodiac Killer Project / U.S.A., U.K. (Director and Producer: Charlie Shackleton, Producers: Catherine Bray, Anthony Ing)

The Audience Award: U.S. Dramatic, Presented by Acura dla Twinless / U.S.A. (Director, Screenwriter, and Producer: James Sweeney, Producer: David Permut)
The Audience Award: U.S. Documentary, Presented by Acura dla André is an Idiot /U.S.A. (Director: Anthony Benna, Producers: André Ricciardi, Tory Tunnell, Joshua Altman, Stelio Kitrilakis, Ben Cotner)
The Audience Award: World Cinema Dramatic, Presented by United Airlines dla DJ Ahmet / North Macedonia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia (Director and Screenwriter: Georgi M. Unkovski, Producers: Ivan Unkovski, Ivana Shekutkoska)
The Audience Award: World Cinema Documentary, Presented by United Airlines dla Prime Minister / U.S.A. (Directors: Michelle Walshe, Lindsay Utz, Producers: Cass Avery, Leon Kirkbeck, Gigi Pritzker, Rachel Shane, Katie Peck)
The Audience Award: NEXT, Presented by Adobe dla East of Wall / U.S.A. (Director, Screenwriter, and Producer: Kate Beecroft, Producers: Lila Yacoub, Melanie Ramsayer, Shannon Moss)

The Directing Award: U.S. Documentary dla Geeta Gandbhir za The Perfect Neighbor / U.S.A. (Director and Producer: Geeta Gandbhir, Producers: Nikon Kwantu, Alisa Payne, Sam Bisbee)
The Directing Award: U.S. Dramatic dla Rashad Frett za Ricky / U.S.A. (Director, Screenwriter, and Producer: Rashad Frett, Screenwriter: Lin Que Ayoung, Producers: Pierre M. Coleman, Simon TaufiQue, Sterling Brim, DC Wade, Cary Joji Fukunaga, Josh Peters, Mark Steele)
The Directing Award: World Cinema Documentary dla Mstyslav Chernov za 2000 Meters to Andriivka / Ukraine (Director and Producer: Mstyslav Chernov, Producers: Michelle Mizner, Raney Aronson-Rath)
The Directing Award: World Cinema Dramatic dla Alireza Khatami za The Things You Kill / Turkey, France, Poland, Canada (Director, Screenwriter, and Producer: Alireza Khatami, Producers: Elisa Sepulveda Ruddoff, Cyriac Auriol, Mariusz Włodarski, Michael Solomon)
The Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award: U.S. Dramatic dla Eva Victor za Sorry, Baby/ U.S.A. (Director and Screenwriter: Eva Victor, Producers: Adele Romanski, Mark Ceryak, Barry Jenkins)
The Jonathan Oppenheim Editing Award: U.S. Documentary dla Parker Laramie za André is an Idiot / U.S.A. (Director: Anthony Benna, Producers: André Ricciardi, Tory Tunnell, Joshua Altman, Stelio Kitrilakis, Ben Cotner)

A U.S. Dramatic Special Jury Award for Acting dla Dylan O’Brien za Twinless /U.S.A. (Director, Screenwriter, and Producer: James Sweeney, Producer: David Permut)
A U.S. Dramatic Special Jury Award for Ensemble Cast dla Plainclothes / U.S.A. (Director and Screenwriter: Carmen Emmi, Producers: Colby Cote, Arthur Landon, Eric Podwall, Vanessa Pantley)
A U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award for Archival Storytelling dla Selena y Los Dinos / U.S.A. (Director: Isabel Castro, Producers: Julie Goldman, Christopher Clements, J. Daniel Torres, David Blackman, Simran Singh)
A U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award dla Life After / U.S.A. (Director: Reid Davenport, Producer: Colleen Cassingham)
A World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award for Creative Vision dla Georgi M. Unkovski za DJ Ahmet / North Macedonia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia (Director and Screenwriter: Georgi M. Unkovski, Producers: Ivan Unkovski, Ivana Shekutkoska)
A World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award for Writing dla Two Women / Canada (Director: Chloé Robichaud, Screenwriter and Producer: Catherine Léger, Producer: Martin Paul-Hus)
A World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award dla Mr. Nobody Against Putin/ Denmark, Czech Republic (Director and Screenwriter: David Borenstein, Producer: Helle Faber)
A World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award for Freedom of Expression dla Coexistence, My Ass! / U.S.A., France (Director and Producer: Amber Fares, Screenwriter and Producer: Rachel Leah Jones, Screenwriter: Rabab Haj Yahya, Producer: Valérie Montmartin)
A NEXT Special Jury Award for Ensemble Cast dla Mad Bills to Pay (or Destiny, dile que no soy malo) / U.S.A. (Director and Screenwriter: Joel Alfonso Vargas, Producer: Paolo Maria Pedullà)